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'Will You Listen' by Eyricka Avila: A Call to Hear Beyond the Noise

Have you ever felt as if the world is just too loud, and you wish that there was a pause button to silence the noise? 'Will You Listen' by Eyricka Avila might just be a song that helps you find the pause button. The song is a gentle whisper that invites you to slow down and listen to what God has to say.  Imagine that you are looking over your schedule for the day, having back-to-back meetings and appointments, and your to-do list is getting longer by the minute… and then you notice this song playing. It's like God's is using Eyricka's voice to reach out to you, asking if you're ready to listen and to follow His Spirit. It's not just about passive listening. It's a call to action, an invitation to move where the Spirit leads you, and to find joy and energy in His divine direction.  So, what's in this for you? A moment of quiet, a break from the daily hustle and bustle, and a chance to reconnect with what's truly important… your connection with Go

'More of You' by Red Letter Society: Find Comfort in His Endlessness

The song 'More Of You - Live at The Heights' by Red Letter Society is one of those songs that immediately captivates and doesn't let go. Watch the live video, and I think you'll understand what I am talking about. The band captures our moments of feeling stuck, hitting lows, and acknowledges our limitations - and then links this all to God's unending greatness.  You hear the genuine cry for divine wisdom, a plea for God to guide your steps. It's as if they've gently plucked this prayer straight from your heart, along with your longing for God's Word to light up your way in this dark and winding path of life.  Throughout the song you hear 'More of You, and less of me,' a beautiful reminder that this should be your credo throughout life… a selfless life, where we prioritize Him in every aspect of our existence. There's an inherent confession there that we may all recognize in one way or another - that no matter our state, we need more of God. 

'Step Out' by Mark Dowdy: Your Anthem for Brave Faith

Imagine taking a morning walk while you're thinking about your next move. The morning is peaceful and calm, but the thoughts in your head are chaotic. You grab your earbuds in to listen to the CCM playlist we have, and the song 'Step Out' by Mark Dowdy comes by. The song is inspired by a moving scene from 'The Chosen'. It is a call to trust, and it whispers about the strength that you find in surrender and the power of faith. 'Step Out' is about following Jesus, even when the waves are high and the night is dark. Remember what Peter did… He stepped out onto the water, eyes locked on Jesus, full of faith and fear. Now, it's your turn. This song reassures you that it's okay to have doubts, to feel the wave beneath your feet, because it's not about the strength of your faith but in whom your faith is placed. Mark Dowdy has crafted a musical reminder that we're called to fix our eyes on Jesus, during any storm or calm. It's not just about o

'In the Shadows' by Danny Chis - Finding Your Place in His Embrace

Danny Chis released a song called 'In the Shadows.' It's about times in our lives where shadows loom, being in the thick of uncertainties, and clutching to hope like a lifeline while waiting for a glimmer of dawn. Right off the bat, verse 1 reaches out and grabs your hand. 'In the Shadows, Where Fears hide, Your Love Breaks Through. Shining Bright.' We've all felt that kind of fear somewhere in our lives, and then, that rush of Godly love that sweeps in, lighting up those doubts with with rays of hope. When the skies start turning grey, we still have security knowing that His steadfast Word remains our rock. Your heart responds to God's whisper, 'With Every Tear, you're by my side'? He is our stronghold, promising that in His love, we have a safe haven that is shielding us from the world's turmoil. I love how that chorus resonates! A beacon in your night, guiding you home with a holy light. That's where our strength is, where we find the

'Take All The Glory' by Raymond Okeke-Macauley: Driving Home Jesus’s Steadfast Love

Picture yourself driving along a highway, your mind distracted and a near miss with a motorcycle brings everything into sharp focus - your vulnerability, life's fleeting moments, the ceaseless grace that carries you through. That is happened as Raymond Okeke-Macauley's was writing 'Take All The Glory', and this near miss found it's way into the melody at the 1:47 minute mark as a gentle reminder. A song sparked from a thankful heart, inviting you to join in its praise. Each verse reminds us that, despite other people's best intentions, it's Jesus who is and remains our unwavering rock. No one else displays such a deep love for us, offers healing for our unseen wounds, or opens doors that we thought were permanently closed. The song reflects our own lives, our story told through vibrant lyrics and melody.  The chorus is a reminder to lift your eyes and hands in praise to Him, who leads you to victory and comforts you in your trials. 'You deserve it all

'Jesus Name' by Seek and Surrender: Embracing the Promise in Prayer

'Jesus Name' by Seek and Surrender is about how powerful it is to speak the name of Jesus. Many Christians will say, 'yes, I know that', but the truth of the matter is that speaking His name is a faith-driven force that is often overlooked as we go through our day-to-day activities.  This song gently reminds us that the truth of Jesus can overpower any lie we face, and reassures us of the freedom we find in Him. It's like having a conversation with your heart and reminding it of hope.  But there is more to this song. It expands on the promises that Jesus made about faith - especially the faith that can move mountains. I have to admit that I have doubts whether my faith can move mountains… I know I still have a way to grow in that. Thankfully, we don't need to to have mastered that level of faith before we see the effects of speaking His name.  Part of the lyrics refer to the passage, 'When you ask, it will be given unto you'. What does that mean? Anythin

'Flowing' by Samona: From Silence to Song, a Journey of Faith

Have you experienced a feeling that bubbles up during your quiet times with God? The song 'Flowing' by Samona started with such a feeling. What started as a picture in her mind of a girl in her prayer closet, grew into a whisper to her heart that she molded into a song that speaks volumes. Samona invites you into the sanctuary of a soul surrendered to God, where struggles turn into worship and melodies become prayers. It's that spot where you realize that your very breath is a testament to God's goodness, regardless of life's ups and downs.  The main message of 'Flowing' is simple: God is always there, ready to turn our chaos into peace and our silence into song. This isn't about having a flawless life but about recognizing the perfect presence of God in our imperfections.  Next time life feels like it's too much, hopefully you will remember how a picture of a girl in her prayer closet inspired this song. Tune in, and let 'Flowing' by Samona