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Miss Freddye - Something to Believe In (Gospel)

Miss Freddye's gospel song, 'Something to Believe In,' is a moving and uplifting tribute to her late mother that will resonate with all who hear it. The song's release on the anniversary of her mother's passing is a poignant reminder that even in times of grief, there is a higher power watching over us, providing comfort and shelter from life's storms.

With her soulful and powerful vocals, Miss Freddye takes listeners on a journey of searching for meaning and finding hope in love and faith. The song's lyrics are simple yet profound, expressing the fundamental human desire for answers, belonging, and purpose. The chorus, with its repeated refrain that we all need something to believe in and a light to guide us, is especially moving, offering hope and comfort to those struggling with life's challenges.

Miss Freddye - Something to Believe InMiss Freddye's gospel roots are evident in the lyrics, which speak to the themes of salvation, spiritual guidance, and being watched over by angels. The song's universal message, however, transcends religious boundaries and speaks to anyone seeking hope and inspiration in difficult times.

The song's personal origins as a tribute to Miss Freddye's mother add a touching and heartfelt dimension to the lyrics. You can feel her sincerity and conviction in every word she sings, making 'Something to Believe In' a truly authentic and soul-stirring gospel song.

'Something to Believe In' is a beautiful and inspiring gospel song that speaks to the heart and soul of its listeners. I highly recommend it to anyone seeking comfort and hope in difficult times.


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You can listen to the track directly on Spotify:

Here is a link to the video on Youtube:

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