Be Still' by Caitlin McGovern is a musical lifeline for everyone who is going through rough times. It's interesting how music can touch people's hearts, especially when they are holding on to the last bit of certainty they have and everything seems to be falling apart. That's when Caitlin's voice comes in with, 'Be still and know that He is God.' This song reminds you that even now, especially now, it is God who helps you to see the horizon, where the sunrise chases out the dark, and where He casts away every fear and doubt! Many songs are triggered by events in people's lives, and this song is no different. Caitlin wrote this song for her brother-in-law during a time of job loss and uncertainty, with four children relying on him. The song mirrors this struggle and brings in Psalm 46:10, radiating a serene confidence, and a reminder that in the middle of chaos we're held in the arms of a God who even commands the winds and the waves. 'Be Still&